4 Ways to Creating Your Vision
In this blog I want to talk about goal setting. Personally, I set goals for myself throughout the year, I feel it gives me direction and purpose. I started goal setting by creating a vison board a few years ago and when I looked back at what I had on my board I realized majority of my goals I was able to accomplish. I find that when I see my goals on a vision board, they are more likely to happen as its something that I look at daily. I have fun setting my goals by having a theme it allows me to get creative with what I want to accomplish. When creating my goals and vision board, I usually try to incorporate health and fitness including mental health, finances, career, spirituality and relationships. The great thing about goal setting is that you can focus on whatever it is you feel you need to accomplish for your life.
Here are some ideas to get started on goals setting:
1. Vison Boards – Creating a vison board is my favorite way to set my goals. For this all you need is poster board or even an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, magazines to cut out images to reflect your goals, glue, scissors etc. Then start pasting stuff to your board like a collage, basically arts and crafts for adults and it’s a great way to visualize your goals.
2. Listing your goals – If you are a crafty person you can write your goals down, I would suggest printing them out or have them on your phone so you can see them everyday. With writing your goals I’ve learned that writing your goals as if they have happened is a great way for it to manifest into your life. For example say you want to eat healthier and add workouts to your daily routine your goal could read as I nourish my body with healthy foods daily and I work out 2-3 times a week and I feel stronger as a result. I would also say be specific with your goals no detail is to small. Saying these goals out loud will also help to manifest and accomplish those goals.
3. Getting a Planner – This is another one of my favorite things in goal setting is using a planner. When using a planner, you can write down your goals and also incorporate deadlines using the calendar or add daily routines to plan out your year so that you stay on track.
4. Themes – Come up with a theme for your goals and just have fun with it. For example, being bold. Goals around being bold could be wearing the things you want with confidence and make a statement with it. Applying for jobs that you didn't think you would be chosen for or being bold enough to make the first move if you are single and looking for a relationship. Themes that I have done are 30 things while I’m 30, I came up with 30 things that I've never done before and the other theme I've done is rediscovery where my goals are focused on self reflection.
“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” — Mark Victor Hansen